And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seethe him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. John14:16-17
…Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. Isaiah 43:1b
A key verse is prayerfully selected by the lay leader for the weekend. Isaiah 43:1b was selected for both the men and women, which was somewhat unusual. It became our first “life verse”, which is a verse that the Holy Spirit highlights to you personally in a particular time and situation that speaks to your deepest need.
Mark talked to me at length the next two weeks about his experience. It was obvious something extraordinary had happened to him. I despised being among strangers and speaking in public due to my low self-esteem issues although the Lord had been dealing with me concerning them. Mark told me almost everything or he knew I would not go. It seemed to mean so much to Mark that I reluctantly and fearfully went.
I was overwhelmed and shocked. I had never experienced such unconditional love period much less from total strangers. I simply had no reference point! I was confused about all these women who had mothers, sisters, aunts, etc., who taught them about God and prayer. I threatened to leave, but decided to stay and met someone I had never known before, the Holy Spirit. I had so many moments of calm reflection and feeling totally loved in the midst of these not so perfect yet kind people.
It took me months to sort the download from the weekend and at times I perceived the Lord and the enemy was fighting over my very soul! Brother Stan knew I was struggling and watched over me prayerfully. Finally, Praise the Lord, He won my free will and choice to serve Him. I was one more step further along to being a Christian rather than doing Christian work. I had an insatiable desire to know more of the Lord through prayer and Bible study. And to serve Him according to His will.
Prayer: Provide the courage and boldness to follow you Lord to the next step in relationship.
Thought: We must over-ride negative emotions, namely fear, to level up with our LORD!