Fruit that Remains After Experiencing the Holy Spirit
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father, in my name, he give it to you. John 15:16
Mark and I were consumed with serving the Lord after our spiritual retreat weekend and volunteered to become the Evangelism Committee at our small church. We were somewhat naïve but our enthusiasm and desire served us well and we believed pleased the Lord.
We canvassed the neighborhood for new members and personally visited anyone who showed up at our church. I will never forget the Sunday afternoon we visited an elderly widow, Mrs. T., with our boys in the van. Mark and I stepped into her home, loaded with precious breakables. The boys were so rowdy the van was swaying from side to side. It is funny now, but not then!
Mrs. T. could see our distress and she suggested Bobby and Jonathan come in. I prayed and pretty much held my breath the entire time we were in her home. It was as if the boys picked up on the Christ-like atmosphere and were perfect gentlemen. She became a foundational member of the church and always bragged about the boys that day.
Mrs. T. and I did vacation bible school together, she was a retired school teacher, and she remained a pillar of that church until Jesus called her home.
Prayer: Please use me for your Glory Lord and to serve in the Body of Christ
Thought: Does realization of the Holy Spirit as a Living Person open the door to the Spiritual Realm and “lasting fruit.” Try it out once the Lord initiates the introduction of the Holy Spirit in your life!
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father, in my name, he give it to you. John 15:16
Mark and I were consumed with serving the Lord after our spiritual retreat weekend and volunteered to become the Evangelism Committee at our small church. We were somewhat naïve but our enthusiasm and desire served us well and we believed pleased the Lord.
We canvassed the neighborhood for new members and personally visited anyone who showed up at our church. I will never forget the Sunday afternoon we visited an elderly widow, Mrs. T., with our boys in the van. Mark and I stepped into her home, loaded with precious breakables. The boys were so rowdy the van was swaying from side to side. It is funny now, but not then!
Mrs. T. could see our distress and she suggested Bobby and Jonathan come in. I prayed and pretty much held my breath the entire time we were in her home. It was as if the boys picked up on the Christ-like atmosphere and were perfect gentlemen. She became a foundational member of the church and always bragged about the boys that day.
Mrs. T. and I did vacation bible school together, she was a retired school teacher, and she remained a pillar of that church until Jesus called her home.
Prayer: Please use me for your Glory Lord and to serve in the Body of Christ
Thought: Does realization of the Holy Spirit as a Living Person open the door to the Spiritual Realm and “lasting fruit.” Try it out once the Lord initiates the introduction of the Holy Spirit in your life!