A Secondary Cloud on the Horizon
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:3-4
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith. Galatians 5:22
It was the school year of 1991-92 and the boys were, for the second and last time in their lives, on the same campus for the whole year. Bobby was in the fifth grade and Jonathan in the second. Jonathan’s teacher was young, pretty, kind, and compassionate but she didn’t have a clue about how to manage him. The only suggestion we got from the school staff was to increase his Ritalin and we did over the year until he was lethargic and spacey and that was unacceptable to me. It never resolved his inability to sit still or stay on task.
At Christmas, we still tried to maintain the allusion of Santa Clause with half-eaten cookies, sooty boot prints, and this year, red flannel bags filled with unwrapped presents. Little did we know Bobby had already spilled the beans to Jonathan but they went along with it for one more year.
Jonathan appeared to be developing a new idiosyncrasy that I had not seen before. He didn’t want anyone, including me to kiss, hug, or even touch him. He seemed very irritated and confused about this but extremely adamant. At one point he put the red flannel bag over his head and asked for a hug and that was the only way anyone could touch him. I called him the little red monster that needed a hug. It broke my heart but at least I could show him some much needed affection. We were mystified at this behavior. I wept many tears and asked the Lord what this could be.
Prayer: Jesus this breaks my heart and lets me know how you hurt when we refuse your love.
Thought: Once again the only answer to our pain and the only way to regain any peace was to turn to the Father. Trust the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to get through each day. Wake up each morning with prayer and end each night in peace.
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:3-4
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith. Galatians 5:22
It was the school year of 1991-92 and the boys were, for the second and last time in their lives, on the same campus for the whole year. Bobby was in the fifth grade and Jonathan in the second. Jonathan’s teacher was young, pretty, kind, and compassionate but she didn’t have a clue about how to manage him. The only suggestion we got from the school staff was to increase his Ritalin and we did over the year until he was lethargic and spacey and that was unacceptable to me. It never resolved his inability to sit still or stay on task.
At Christmas, we still tried to maintain the allusion of Santa Clause with half-eaten cookies, sooty boot prints, and this year, red flannel bags filled with unwrapped presents. Little did we know Bobby had already spilled the beans to Jonathan but they went along with it for one more year.
Jonathan appeared to be developing a new idiosyncrasy that I had not seen before. He didn’t want anyone, including me to kiss, hug, or even touch him. He seemed very irritated and confused about this but extremely adamant. At one point he put the red flannel bag over his head and asked for a hug and that was the only way anyone could touch him. I called him the little red monster that needed a hug. It broke my heart but at least I could show him some much needed affection. We were mystified at this behavior. I wept many tears and asked the Lord what this could be.
Prayer: Jesus this breaks my heart and lets me know how you hurt when we refuse your love.
Thought: Once again the only answer to our pain and the only way to regain any peace was to turn to the Father. Trust the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to get through each day. Wake up each morning with prayer and end each night in peace.