It is relatively easy to love those who love us back or even those who are indifferent with God's perspective; but loving people who repeatedly wound you is something else entirely. I must constantly look beyond the personality disorder, mental illness, or woundedness which cause people to be unkind. I must love people as the LORD loves them without conditions or expectations. This sounds noble and brave; but in all honestly is totally impossible without obedience to and trust of our maker.
Circumstances happen in life that seem so unfair when we are doing our best to be what the Lord expects us to be. I am reading the book of Job this week in my quiet time and it strikes me to the core that we must get to the point of maturity to love God even if he "slays us". And that my behavior is unlovely yet Jesus suffered torture and died on the cross for sinners like me. How can I do less for others?
Prayer: Lord, help me "see" beyond the hurtful behavior to the root of the problem and the person you created, at that point I can minister your love.
Circumstances happen in life that seem so unfair when we are doing our best to be what the Lord expects us to be. I am reading the book of Job this week in my quiet time and it strikes me to the core that we must get to the point of maturity to love God even if he "slays us". And that my behavior is unlovely yet Jesus suffered torture and died on the cross for sinners like me. How can I do less for others?
Prayer: Lord, help me "see" beyond the hurtful behavior to the root of the problem and the person you created, at that point I can minister your love.