I went to four different locations where scenes from "Woods End", author Alexandra Clair were being shot. I now have a totally new perspectve on what it takes to film just a few scenes much less a whole movie. The nuances of sound, light, performances, visual effects, etc. are staggering. The sensitive equipment, manpower, and time are expensive in every sense of the word. I will never look at a commercial, television show, or movie the same again! Check out Alex's link on this web site. The making of Christian movies is a new and exciting genre!
Acts 16:25-34
Reading Beth Moore's "Paul, 90 Days on his Journey of Faith" we see two severly beaten (within an inch of their lives) servants of God taken to a dungeon, placed in stocks, unable to move, in excruciating pain begin to sing! Probably death would have been a relief at that moment, yet they began to sing and with each note were strengthened and encouraged despite their ever worsening situation. Paul and Silas were denied their freedom in every sense of the word except in prayer and praise. And because they rose above their physical stiuation to praise God they were given the opportunity to miraculously be set free and their jailer and his whole family were ushered into the family of God. I have been blessed to praise God in choirs, on praise teams, duets, solos, and even lead praise music for over forty years but find myself participating in none of these activties at present. However, these scripture verses convict me that simply praising the Lord in the privacy of my own home is probably more important to God because it is from my heart without consideration or distraction of pleasing mankind! Glory be to God! Last weekend, I drove to Birmingham, AL for a workshop on publishing. WOW, a little overwhelmed with information and fatigued from the trip. But grateful for the opportunity to go and blessed with a new friend at the very last minute. Mark was serving in prison ministry and did not want me to go alone. This was just another case of God's provision! When you are prayerfully in the center of God's will, He supplies! I was supplied with excellent information and the next step in His will. Praise God!
When we come together to seek God through His word something wonderful happens. We feel cared for, not alone, refreshed and restored. The principles and precepts stored in the Word come alive and the comradery of sharing those "Ah-ha" moments bond people in a supernatural way. Why would any of us chose not to participate in this activity? It does require our most valuable resource which is time and the ability to let down any walls of insecurity, but what a reward! If you are not in a bible study seek one out!
Nina Haines received her Bachelor of Science from the University Of Tennessee Center for Health Sciences in 1978. She completed her Masters and subsequently her Doctorate of Divinity from Shalom Bible College and Seminary in August of 2010. Nina voluntarily worked in the “Kairos Prison Ministry” for fourteen years and served on the local board. Mark, Nina’s husband and she served for five years in the “Second Chance Prison Ministry”. She has served on the worship and prayer ministries in five different churches and on the ladies’ board at a non-denominational church. She has taught courses on prayer and spiritual growth and in Sunday school classes. She was trained as a Stephen Minister at a large Methodist church and served as a prayer minister. She served as the praise leader at a weekly prayer and healing service for one year. She was a member and leader in Lydia Fellowship International and served on the “Walk to Emmaus” and “Faith Walk” retreat organizations. She was a chaplain at her local YMCA in a pilot chaplaincy program. She was on the board of a local prayer ministry, Celebrate Life. Mark and Nina have been favored by the Lord to make four short term prayer walks to Israel and China. In several different organizations Nina has prayer walked Germantown High School, the University of Memphis, Germantown, Seattle, Washington, Washington D.C., Atlana, Gerogia, Nashville, Tennessee, and Chicago, Illinois. Mark and Nina currently worship at City Hills Church. Mark and Nina hold services once a month at Morgan County Correctional Complex under Lonnie Greg from Trinity Community Church. Nina has a prayer group in her home the second and fourth Fridays of the month following the Christian Healing Ministries of Jacksonville, Florida under the leadership of Francis and Judith MacNutt. Robert Anthony Haines owns Haines Structural Group and resides with his wife, Erin in Knoxville, Tennessee. They welcomed Grady Armistead and Coley Marie into their family January 28, 2017. Mark and Nina live in Knoxville . Nina completed the Christian Healing Ministries Internship Program Nov. 7-11, 2017. "An Odyssey of Deepening Prayer and Praise" is completed and under copyright. It is a 365 day devotional book of insight from the Lord. Completed "Perspectives on the World Christain Movement" sixteen week course MAY 2023. Archives
February 2014
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