Every speaker was anointed and had a very specific biblical word of true and encouragement. Every message dovetailed into the next by God's design not human effort. I compare Judith MacNutt to Kay Arthur. Pearls of wisdom flow from these women of God to meet needs of the congregation.
The praise and worship leader ushered us into the portals of heaven where the presence of God was so strong and apparent that most of us were overcome. We knew from previous experience that if we did not surrender to the atmosphere we would be physically on our faces before the throne of God!
The first time as I voluntarily lay prostrate before the throne the sensation was like a warm blanket of healing over my wounded and discouraged spirit. The second time the cool, sweet breath of the Holy Spirit gently caressed my face encouraging me to rise up in my gifting and receive a new name from the Lord.
A word of caution regarding "mountaintop" experiences. Seal it in your remembrance if the leadership does not. The Lord has caused change and growth in you but not in those who did not come. Stealing your joy is a strategy of the enemy, don't allow it!